Child Safeguarding and Risk Analysis Review 2025

All schools are required to have a Child Safeguarding Statement and Risk Analysis.  Each year the school needs to review this document.  

Following the request from the BoM, the annual Child Protection review was carried out in Feb and March 2025.  Staff, the Parent Association and Students were asked to participate.

All staff were asked to examine the Child Protection Statement, which includes the Risk Assessment.  They were asked to consider if any amendments or additions were necessary.  Suggestions by staff were given to Anna Dunwoody and incorporated into the new draft. Staff volunteers were also sough for the focus group.

The Parent Association was provided with the current documentation and asked to nominate members to participate in the focus group.

Similarily, the Student Council were provided with  invited to participate in the review and 2 students represented the Council at the focus group.

The staff, students and parents met with Anna Dunwoody on Thursday 13th Feb to discuss the risk assessment and any area requiring further development.  These included

  • Addition of DLP and DDLP contact email
  • Use of Quiet Room
  • Students absent from class
  • Use of technology in school e.g. school and student devices
  • Restructuring of the mitigations to make them easier to follow

The suggestions made were incorporated into the new draft statement which the BoM considered and approved on 13th March 2025.
