Manor House School has a strong commitment to the study of Science. We are lucky to have five well equipped school labs. As well as offering Science as an option at both Junior Certificate and Leaving Certificate levels, Manor House actively promotes the Sciences with Field trips, Guest Speakers, Science Work placement programmes, Science Festivals, events during Science week and entering science competitions as they arise.
Science at Junior Cert
Science is a popular optional subject for Junior Cert Science. At Junior Cert level, Science is split into three areas:
- Biology is the study of living things. Topics include Microscopes and Cells, Food and Nutrition, Skeleton and Muscular Systems, Ecology, Plant Biology.
- Physics is the study of the interaction of matter and energy. Topics include Motion, Light, Magnetism, Electricity & Electronics
- Chemistry is the study of all substances (natural and man-made, toxic and nontoxic). Topics include Atomic structure, Solutions, Crystallisation, the Atmosphere, Plastics.

- Junior Cert Science has a strong emphasis on practical work.
- Students complete a series of Mandatory experiments over their three years of study worth 10% of their final mark.
- In Year 3, students complete two practical investigations worth 25% of their final mark.
- This means the written exam is worth 65%.
Leaving Certificate Science
Manor House offers a choice of four Sciences at Leaving Certificate Level:
- Biology
- Physics
- Chemistry
- Agriculutral Science is the science of farming. Topics covered include Genetics, Soil Science, Animal Physiology, Animal Diseases, Plant Physiology and Crop Production.
Each subject is studied at a more detailed level with a strong emphasis on practical skills.
Field Trips
We, in Manor House, believe that field trips are an excellent way to reinforce the Science learnt within the classroom and to highlight to students that Science really is absolutely everywhere. Field trips offered include visits to
- W5 Science Museum, Belfast.
- Bull Island Wildlife Reserve.
- St. Anne’s Ecological field trip.
- Space Camp, Brussels.
- Armagh Planetarium.
- Science Gallery, Dublin.
- Natural History Museum, Dublin.
- Educational events at Dublin Zoo.
- DIT Science week events
- Young Scientist Exhibition, RDS
Science Work Placements
- In Transition Year, a number of our keenest Science students are given the opportunity to participate in week long college placements in DCU and Trinity.
- This is a terrific chance for students to gain an insight into Science options at third level whilst experience college life!
Manor House Scifest 2014 - 2015 - 2016 - 2017
1st year Science students are encouraged to develop investigative and experimental skills by working on a year-long Science project and presenting it at an end of year Science fair. The standard of students work and the range of topics considered to date have shown how innovative the students can be! Well done to all the girls who have participated so far. Some of the girls intend to develop their ideas further and participate in the Young Scientist competition the following year.
Check out photos here.