Transition Year is a one-year school based programme between Junior and Senior cycle. It is designed to act as a bridge between the two by facilitating the smooth transition from the more dependent learning of the Junior Cycle to the more independent self-directed learning required for the Senior Cycle. Transition Year in Manor House School is compulsory for all students.
The purpose of the Manor House TY programme is to promote personal development; social competence and maturity in students; to help students become more independent and responsible individuals through the variety of subjects they sample throughout the year and activities they partake in. In concentrating on the development of existing skills and qualities and the acquisition of new skills, the students will assume greater responsibility for their own learning. We also aim to help prepare our students for adult life through contact with work places on work experience placements and development of career interests. In addition, we aim to develop a civic awareness in our Transition Year students through serving the local community on a voluntary basis, through fund-raising and through our Community Action placements.
Assessment in TY is an integral part of the teaching and learning process. We provide students with regular feedback about their strengths and learning challenges and facilitate improved student performance through feedback, guidance and affirmation. Students are assessed throughout the year in a variety of ways – Christmas and Summer examinations, written and practical assignments, oral and aural assessments, projects, Work Experience Employers reports and reports from Community Action placements, completion of Portfolio and TY Journal records etc.
Throughout the year teachers, parents and students can give informal feedback to the TY team about the programme either verbally, by email or by letter. Student’s diary entries, which are checked regularly by class tutors, also provide feedback. Teachers, students and parents are given the opportunity at the end of the year to complete a short survey to provide feedback and evaluation of the TY programme.
Organisational Details
TY Co-ordinator: Anne Robinson
TY Team: Christine Crowley, Cara Grace, Siobhan Ni Mhuineacháin and Warren Montgomery
The Transition Year Timetable
The Transition Year incorporates many elements:
1. Core subjects which all students do – English, Irish, Maths, European language, Religion, Careers, Physical Education, Portfolio.
2. Subject sampling options – Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Agricultural science, Home Economics, Music, Art, History, Geography, Economics, Accountancy, Business
3. TY specific subjects and modules – e.g. ECDL, Enterprise, Young Social Innovators.
4. Other significant learning experiences – Musical, Work experience, Community Action, Trips- Kippure Adventure Centre (all students), Ski Trip to Boston(Optional) and Eurospace Camp, Brussels (Optional), Workshops- in and out of school, Guest speakers
Students receive a new timetable every semester to show changes in subject sampling and TY specific subjects. The Transition Year calendar is emailed to staff and students; posted on the Transition Year notice board in the Staffroom; on the student Transition Year notice board; in the Transition Year section of the school website. As new opportunities become available during the year the calendar is regularly updated. Students are also made aware of new opportunities at assemblies and during Portfolio class.
Assessment and Certification details
Students are assessed throughout the year in a variety of ways – Christmas and Summer examinations, written and practical assignments, oral and aural assessments, projects, Work Experience employers reports and reports from Community Action placements, completion of Portfolio and diary records etc. Reports are sent to parents at Christmas and at the end of the school year
We also have a Credit system which is used to record the positive, evaluate overall progress, recognise areas of success not normally given credit in schools, engage students in assessing themselves and encourage students to act responsibly. Students earn credits by completing assigned tasks and activities. Students will keep a Portfolio throughout the year and use their TY Journal to record their experiences and reflect on their learning. At Graduation students will be awarded a Certificate of Participation in TY at Distinction, Merit or Pass level.
Learning through Work Experience and Community Action
All Students undertake Work Experience. Each student must secure their own placements. It is recommended that students reflect very carefully on the career options they wish to pursue and use this opportunity to get valuable insights into possible future careers. Students are assisted in their preparation for their placement at whole year assemblies and during Careers classes. During the Work Experience days members of the school staff telephone the contact person for students to thank them for accommodating the student and enquire about their progress. Supervisors are also asked to sign student journals each day to confirm attendance at work experience. Work Providers are sent an employer’s evaluation form to complete at the end of the placement detailing the student’s participation and their recommendations.
Each year Transition Year students stage a Musical. All students are encouraged to take part whether on or off stage. The Musical is chosen by the school Music department taking the talents and abilities of the group of students into account.
Other Opportunities
A wide variety of opportunities are available to Transition Year students throughout the year. Students are encouraged to participate as much as possible. The TY calendar contains details of many opportunities for participation in trips, Significant learning experiences, talks by guest speakers etc. In addition, students can volunteer for various voluntary initiatives such as TY committee, SMILE committee, fund-raising for charities, organising inside school activities etc.
TY Expenses
Due to the often-experiential nature of learning in the Transition Year Programme costs are incurred. As such it is necessary to charge fees for TY. Transition Year is designed to encourage students to take responsibility for their own learning and decision making. Financial responsibility is a vital life skill to learn and as such we strongly encourage students to pay some or all their expenses through part time work such as baby sitting and/ or savings from birthday or Christmas gifts. The TY fee includes an amenities fee to cover cost of school journal, careers book, Differential Aptitude Tests, School Insurance, Photocopying, Examinations etc. The balance covers transport and entry fees for trips; costs incurred with workshops and guest speakers (e.g. Self Defence, First Aid, Ice skating, Driver Education etc.) on the planned programme and a contribution towards the cost of running the Musical. As Transition Year is a compulsory element in Manor House school all students are expected to pay these expenses. However, some families experience genuine financial hardship and in these cases parents should contact the school Principal to discuss arrangements.
Other optional opportunities which arise incur an additional cost e.g. Bonding trip to Kippure Adventure Centre, ECDL., subject specific trips.
Optional Extra Overseas Trips
We offer two optional extra overseas trips on our Transition Year programme, in response to the interest shown in these trips in previous years and at the request of parents and students in Junior Cycle. Students have the option to apply to go on a Ski Trip to New Hampshire, USA and /or the Eurospace Camp in Brussels. The first deposit for the ski trip is collected when the students are in second year and is paid in instalments over the following two years, to ease the financial pressure on parents and students. Only students whose amenities fees are paid in full can be offered a place on these trips.
TY Graduation
TY Graduation will take place on 23/5/2018 at 7pm. Parents/Guardians are invited to attend the Ceremony. The Graduation Ceremony provides an opportunity for students to showcase the achievements of the year and to highlight the skills and qualities which they have developed throughout the year.
Students receive a School Certificate indicating their overall award for participation in Transition year – Certificates are awarded for Distinction, Merit, Pass or Participation. Students also receive a variety of certificates acknowledging their participation and achievements in various activities such as charitable work, Public Access to Law, SMILE committee etc during the year. A ‘Spirit of TY’ award and awards for various subjects and sports will also be presented.
To contact the team you may